Crypto Options Hedging Strategies

Crypto Options Hedging Strategies

Source | Crypto options hedging strategies

The crypto market’s volatility can be both a boon and a bane for traders and investors. To mitigate risks while capitalizing on opportunities, many understandably turn to hedging strategies. Crypto options are essentially a toolkit for constructing hedging plans. This guide explores crypto options hedging strategies.

Understanding Crypto Options: The Basics

Crypto options are financial contracts that give the holder the right to buy or sell a particular crypto at a predetermined price on or before a date. The good thing about options contracts is that it does not obligate the holder to buy or sell an asset. So if the prices are not in your favor, you do not have to execute the contract.

Key components of a crypto option include:

  • Strike price: It is the predetermined price at which the underlying cryptocurrency can be bought or sold.
  • Expiration date: It refers to the final date on which the option contract can be executed.
  • Premium: It is the cost of purchasing the option contract.

Types of crypto options:

  • Call option: They give the holder the right to buy the crypto at the strike price.
  • Put option: They give the holder the right to sell the crypto at the strike price.

What is Hedging in Crypto Trading ?

Crypto hedging is a risk management strategy designed to protect your cryptocurrency investments from sudden price drops. It involves taking an opposing position in a related asset to offset losses in your primary investment.

Think of it as buying insurance for your crypto portfolio. While it doesn’t guarantee profits, it can reduce your exposure to risk.

We’ll explore various crypto options hedging strategies and learn how to implement them.

Crypto Options Hedging Strategies

Let’s discuss the popular crypto options hedging strategies:

Protective Put

A protective put is a crypto hedging strategy in which you buy a put option on an underlying crypto you already own. It provides protection in case the asset falls, guaranteeing a minimum selling price for your asset. Of course, you can choose to exit it early with the gains you make in its premiums during the asset’s dip.

How it works:

  • Purchase a put option with a strike price below the current market price.
  • If the crypto’s price falls below the strike price, you can exercise the put option to sell your crypto at the higher strike price.

Covered Call

It involves selling a call option on an asset you already own. It generates income from the option premium but limits potential upside.

How it works:

  • Sell a call option with a strike price above the current market price. If the asset’s price remains below the strike price at expiration, you keep the premium.
  • If the price rises above the strike price, you’re obligated to sell your asset at the strike price.


A collar strategy combines a protective put and a covered call. It defines a price range within which you’ll keep your asset.

How it works:

  • Buy a put option with a strike price below the current market price and sell a call option with a strike price above the current market price.
  • This creates a price range where you’re protected from significant losses but also limit your potential gains.


It is similar to a straddle as it involves buying a put option and a call option. But here, a put option is bought with a lower strike price and a call option with a higher strike price.

How it works:

  • Profits from price movements.


It is similar to a straddle but involves buying a put option with a lower strike price and a call option with a higher strike price.

How it works:

  • Profits from price movements.

Butterfly Spread

A butterfly spread involves creating a neutral position by combining multiple call or put options with different strike prices. It’s a limited-risk strategy that profits from price staying within a specific range.

How it works:

  • Requires buying and selling options at different strike prices.

These are just a few examples of crypto options strategies. Each strategy has its own risk-reward profile, and it’s important to consider your investment goals before implementing them.

What are the Risks in Crypto Hedging?

  • Market volatility: Crypto markets are volatile. This can impact the effectiveness of hedging strategies as option prices fluctuate rapidly.
  • Imperfect hedging: Hedging is not a perfect science. It can reduce risk but not eliminate it entirely.
  • Option Greeks: Understanding the Greeks (delta, gamma, theta, vega, rho) is crucial. These measures quantify an option’s sensitivity to different market variables and can impact the effectiveness of your hedge.
  • Transaction costs: Options trading involves fees, eroding profits.

Risk Management Strategies

While hedging crypto, make sure to keep the following points in mind:

  • Diversification: Spread your investments across different cryptos and option strategies to reduce concentration risk.
  • Position sizing: Avoid over-leveraging. Proper position sizing can help manage potential losses.
  • Stop-loss orders: Implement stop-loss orders to limit losses on your option positions.

Keep a close eye on market conditions and your hedge’s performance. Be prepared to adjust your strategy as needed. Continuously educate yourself about options trading, risk management, and the crypto market.

The Bottom Line

By understanding the intricacies of crypto options and the various hedging strategies available, investors can protect their portfolios from market downturns. Delta Exchange India offers a platform to trade crypto. Get started today, happy trading!

Disclaimer: Stock markets and cryptocurrencies are inherently volatile, and investments in the asset class can carry significant risks. The information presented in this article is not intended to be financial advice, and we strongly recommend conducting your due diligence before investing.

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